Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On Being Thankful and Zombies

On Being Thankful and Zombies

Sometimes, along with the stress and worries of the holidays, a great big boat load of amnesia takes over our brains. Not only do we forget we’re human, we manage to forget that the rest of the world is, too.
We scurry along in a rush of shopping, cleaning, cooking, and then turn into Holiday Zombies. Our faces are pale and black circles appear under our eyes. Fingers turn red and green from the food color in holiday cookies.
Eventually our hurried stride turns into a slow death walk while we moan “Sugaaaaaaaaaaaar.” (Okay, some of you groan “Caffeiiiiiiiiiiiiine,” but you do that every morning anyway,)
Pretty much, Zombies terrify the rest of creation —especially children. All of the pumpkin pie and stuffed turkeys in the world won’t make up for the fact that there is a monster in the house. (Seriously guys, it won’t.)

You don’t need fourteen side dishes—no one is that hungry. Your bedroom doesn't have to be redecorated just in case a guest needs to have a nap. You needn't zombiefy your poor self or drive the bank account into the red to pay for dinner
What people really want for the holidays is to enjoy time with friends and family. If they’re at your house, they already love you and will forgive a few dust bunnies. Before you start the tightrope walk on that silver wire of stress, take a minute to be thankful for what you already have. Count your blessings and cut your list.

You’ll thank me for it later.